(470) 265-2383

For Wounded-in-Action veterans

The Combat-Wounded Cruise

Call for information

LCpl 'Alex' Juedes, USMC

BELOW:  Our Combat-Wounded Warriors at Carnival's Salute to Veterans event. -  (October 2023) 


This website will close soon. It has been an honor to bring more than 150+ wounded heroes and their spouses or caregivers on board our cruises. We were able to 'touch lives' only because of the generosity of our donors and supporters.  We have become friends and family and will continue to support each other.  

Our mission will continue with the WARRIORS' HONOR CRUISE.

Google:  warriorshonorcruise.com  ​

Combat-Wounded Cruise LLC is an IRS registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving and enhancing the lives of our Purple Heart Warriors and their families.  EIN #88-2604929

'Giving back' - to honor their sacrifice!